
We’re here to make an impact and make a difference

WINDREF adheres to the highest ethical and academic standards in the design and conduct of research.

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Research Area Research Investigators
Absenteeism Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
Angiogenesis Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Anti-biofilm-forming and antimicrobial substances of biological origin Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Antibiotic resistance of virulent bacteria isolated in Grenada Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Antibiotic resistance and Stress response Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Anxiety Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Arteriogenesis Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Attention Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Behavioural Health Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Bioethics Education Cheryl Macpherson, PhD
Biofilms or water column Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Biological diversity of microbial community of freshwater warm springs Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Biomedical Waste Martin St. Clair Forde, ScD, PEng
Cardiac Anatomy Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Cardiovascular Pathology Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Caribbean Bioethics Cheryl Macpherson, PhD
Child Maltreatment Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Cognitive Neuroscience Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Comparative Pathology Hugh W. Ferguson BVM&S, PhD, Dipl. ACVP, MRCVS, FRCPath
Coral Bleaching Clare Morrall, PhD
Stephen Nimrod, MSc
Coral Disease Clare Morrall, PhD
Coral Reef Conservation Stephen Nimrod, MSc
Country-of-Origin marketing Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
Cryptosporidia Samina Rutrecht, PhD
Culturing of marine Archaea from the deep water column Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Decision Making Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Defence Mechanisms in Lower Vertebrates, Especially Fish Hugh W. Ferguson BVM&S, PhD, Dipl. ACVP, MRCVS, FRCPath
Disease Mapping Richard Kabuusu, BVM, MPH
Eco-Tourism Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
End-of-Life and Undertreated Pain Cheryl Macpherson, PhD
Energy Hugh J. Sealy, PhD, P.Eng
Energy Conservation Dirk Burkhardt MD, MSc, PhD
Environmental Conservation Clare Morrall, PhD
Environmental Health Martin St. Clair Forde, ScD, PEng
Clare Morrall, PhD

Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Environmental Health Ethics Cheryl Macpherson, PhD
Environmental Research Dirk Burkhardt MD, MSc, PhD
Epidemiologic Methodology Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Epidemiology of Parasitic Zoonoses Calum N.L. Macpherson, PhD, DIC
Ergonomics Martin St. Clair Forde, ScD, PEng
Evolutionary Parasitology Samina Rutrecht, PhD
Exhaled Breath Condensate Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Exhaled Nitric Oxide Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Experimental Developmental Biology Clare Morrall, PhD
Francis A. Fakoya, MBChB, MSc, PhD
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Francis A. Fakoya, MBChB, MSc, PhD
Genetic correlates of addictive Diseases Trevor Paul Noël, MPH
Global Warming Effects on Coral Reef Development Clare Morrall, PhD
Goal Orientation Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
Health Advocacy Victoria Kimotho, MPH
Historical Research Richard Kabuusu, BVM, MPH
Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Human Resources for Health – Leadership and Management Victoria Kimotho, MPH
Indoor Air Quality Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Induced Sputum Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Injury Epidemiology Richard Kabuusu, BVM, MPH
Intent Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Job Satisfaction Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
Macroalgal Growth on Coral Reefs Stephen Nimrod, MSc
Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Stephen Nimrod, MSc
Medical Education Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Meditation Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Mental Health Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Microsporidia Samina Rutrecht, PhD
Molecular based identification of pathogens from marine animals Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Molecular Biology Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Molecular Epidemiology Richard Kabuusu, BVM, MPH
Motivation Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
Nasal Lavage Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Nasal Nitric Oxide Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
National Context Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
National Cultures Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
Natural Plant Extracts Francis A. Fakoya, MBChB, MSc, PhD
Neglected Tropical Diseases Trevor Paul Noël, MPH
Nutmeg Industry Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
Neurochemistry Francis A. Fakoya, MBChB, MSc, PhD
Occupational Asthma Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Occupational Health Martin St. Clair Forde, ScD, PEng
Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Occupational Rhinitis Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Occupational Safety Martin St. Clair Forde, ScD, PEng
Parasitic Diseases Samina Rutrecht, PhD
Parasitology Calum N.L. Macpherson, PhD, DIC
Pathophysiology Hugh W. Ferguson BVM&S, PhD, Dipl. ACVP, MRCVS, FRCPath
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS) Martin St. Clair Forde, ScD, PEng
Photovoltaic Systems Dirk Burkhardt MD, MSc, PhD
Placebo Effect Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Protected Areas and Marine Protected Areas Clare Morrall, PhD
Public Health Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Public Health Ethics Cheryl Macpherson, PhD
Pulmonary Function Test Muge Akpinar-Elci, MD, MPH
Reasoning Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Reef Status and Threats Clare Morrall, PhD
Re-isolation and Characterization of a new iron-oxidizing bacterium (“Gallionella”) Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Renewable Energy Sources Dirk Burkhardt MD, MSc, PhD
Reproductive Toxicology Francis A. Fakoya, MBChB, MSc, PhD
Research ethics Cheryl Macpherson, PhD
Resilience Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Rheumatic Fever Trevor Paul Noël, MPH
Rheumatic Heart Disease Trevor Paul Noël, MPH
Sea Urchin Fisheries Stephen Nimrod, MSc
Solid Waste Management Hugh J. Sealy, PhD, P.Eng
Stress Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Surgical Anatomy and Technique Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Sustainable Development Clare Morrall, PhD
Hugh J. Sealy, PhD, P.Eng
Sustainable Energies Dirk Burkhardt MD, MSc, PhD
Task, Relationship, and Overload Stress Inventory Reccia N. Charles, DIBA
Teaching, Learning & Assessment Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Teratology Francis A. Fakoya, MBChB, MSc, PhD
Threats and Impacts to Coral Reefs Stephen Nimrod, MSc
Trauma Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Tropical Medicine Calum N.L. Macpherson, PhD, DIC
Ultrasound Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Ultrasound for Tropical Parasitic Diseases Calum N.L. Macpherson, PhD, DIC
Waste Water Treatment Hugh J. Sealy, PhD, P.Eng
Waterborne pathogens and indicators Svetlana Kotelnikova, PhD
Water Supply Hugh J. Sealy, PhD, P.Eng
Working Memory Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Yoga Randall Waechter, BBA, PhD
Zoonotic Diseases Samina Rutrecht, PhD
Zoonotic Infections Richard Kabuusu, BVM, MPH