
About Windward Islands Research & Foundation Education Foundation

WINDREF is an educational non-profit foundation.

  • Registered in the USA with the Internal Revenue Service 501(C) (3)
  • Registered in Grenada as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in compliance with section 328 of the Companies Act 1994
  • In 1999, WINDREF was registered in the UK as a charitable Trust, Charity in compliance with UK Charities Act 1993
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Advancing health and environmental development through multi-disciplinary research and education programs

Mission Statement

Advance Health and Environmental Development

Founded in 1994, WINDREF seeks to advance health and environmental development through multi-disciplinary research and education programs.

Promoting Collaborative Relationships

WINDREF strives for program excellence by promoting collaborative relationships between internationally recognized scholars and regional scientists, and by adhering to the highest ethical and academic standards in the design and conduct of research.


To provide a scientific resource center

We are capable of coordinating international collaborative research of the highest caliber in the areas of medical and veterinary public health, anthropology, ecology, marine and terrestrial biology, and ethics.

To provide a first rate academic opportunity

We connect scientists from the Caribbean and around the world offering unique research opportunities to enhance the knowledge and welfare of local and international communities.

To conduct applied scientific research

Our research is a benefit to communities and health development at the local, national and international levels.

To share relevant scientific information

We share our science with local and international communities.



Research Fellow

Research Program Leads

Research Scientists

Organizational Chart

Product Quality Index

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